Labour Leadership Election 2020

The Labour Party has recently announced its intention to hold an election for Leader and Deputy Leader, which will be conducted by a postal ballot of all Labour Party Members, Affiliated Supporters and Registered Supporters of the Labour Party.

This will be completed in time for the results to be announced at a Special Conference on Saturday 4th April 2020.

To qualify for a vote, UNISON members will need to be either full party members in their own right or will need to be Labour Link payers and must in addition take the extra step of registering to become Affiliated Supporters of the Labour Party.

To acquire eligibility to register for a vote as an Affiliated Supporter, individuals must already be full members of UNISON and Labour Link levy payers.

UNISON nationally have been working with the communications and digital teams, and they will shortly be contacting Labour Link payers separately to let them know they either have, or could have, a vote and advise them on how to sign up.

The North West UNISON Labour Link Committee met and agreed to nominate Rebecca Long-Bailey for Leader and Angela Rayner for Deputy Leader.

The National Labour Link Committee subsequently met and decided to nominate Keir Starmer for the Leader role with Angela Rayner as his Deputy.

Please note that the ballot opens on Friday 21st February and closes at 12pm on Thursday 2nd April.

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