National union step back from censorship

Previously we had been told that the UNISON print centre in Leeds were under pressure not to produce material around Branch recommendations to reject the pay proposals with ballot paper mailings to members.

It now appears that there has been a step back from this.

This is an extract from a North West Regional circular to Branches:

“If your Branch is recommending an alternative view to the NJC position, it can only be expressed following a properly constituted Branch meeting or Branch Committee meeting. Only following that process can a Branch alternative recommendation be promulgated.

The Yorkshire Region Print Unit at Dragon Court (UNISON, Unit 1, Dragon Court, 1 Springwell Road, Leeds LS12 1EX – Fax 0113 389 2323) can assist with this work.”

It seems that providing the recommendation was agreed by a Branch meeting / Executive (which should always the case) then Leeds Print Unit can accept Branch material.

It is a shame the block was put on in the first place given there is no national recommendation but at least this is welcome progress.

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