Rally and March on 4 October at Tory Conference

Oct 4 Rally and March at Tory Conference

The TUC are co-ordinating a Rally and March in Manchester to coincide with the start of the Tory Party Conference.

Event Details

Date:       Sunday, 4th October 2015
Assemble:    12 noon Oxford Road (from All Saints Park, MMU)
Rally starts:   1.00pm
March sets off: 1.30pm

The theme of the demonstration will be ‘No to Austerity and Yes to Workers’ Rights’.

The final route of the march is in the process of being agreed and further details will be circulated when available.

Embedded into this post are the official leaflet and poster for the event, which you can download or print out at home.

Further information on the march and demo, including the final route on the day, will be published here as soon as it becomes available.

Tory Conference Oct 4 Rally and March – A4 Poster

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Oct-4-Demo-A4-poster.pdf”]

Tory Conference Oct 4 Rally and March – A4 Leaflet

[gview file=”http://staging.unisonmanchester.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Oct-4-Demo-A4-flyer.pdf”]
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