It’s Down To Us Now

Last night was a disaster for the interests of working people in general and the young, elderly, ill and vulnerable people in particular.

It is also clear that over the next five years ‎we will see attacks on all public services especially local government and our health service.

Whilst the Tories may be verbally challenged in Parliament over the next five years there is only one force in society that can stand up to their worst attacks and that’s us.

Organised Trade Unions.

We have a duty to our members and all those who stand to see their public services smashed under this Tory government if we do not do all we can to resist the attacks they will unleash.

The Tories know we are all that now stand in their way which is why they plan to cut trade union facility time and seek to make it extremely difficult to strike in public services with a requirement of a minimum yes vote of over 50% of those eligible to vote.

Something they came nowhere near in the election.

Despite the natural dismay and disappointment most of us are feeling today ‎ it has never been more important to strengthen our union.

We must recruit as many members as possible to UNISON so we are in a stronger position to defend our members and our services as much as possible in the interests of working people and our society.

Even on this dark day we need to urge as many members as possible to join the Labour Party to rebuild the party and in the coming years change its policies to those that can inspire support when it matters.

This will no doubt be difficult but that is the only positive way forward rather than simply despair.

It’s up to us so let’s get to work to defend our members and services and be the real opposition to future attacks

Manchester UNISON Branch Officers

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