UNISON GenSec Election: Need a replacement ballot?

The UNISON General Secretary election is underway and if you still haven’t received your ballot paper, or if you need a replacement, there is still time to contact the ballot helpline on 0800 0 857 857.

Please note that the ballot helpline closes at 12 noon on Friday 20th November so do not delay if you need a replacement ballot as you now have less than 24 hours remaining.

This is an incredibly important election for UNISON and we have the opportunity to make a once in a generation change to our union.

Your vote counts.

Manchester branch has nominated Paul Holmes for General Secretary.

Manchester branch has nominated Paul Holmes for General Secretary because:

  • Paul has the best record of leadership and fighting for members;
  • Paul is the members’ candidate, from the shop floor;
  • Paul will take the job on his current wage, donating the additional £100,000 back to the welfare and strike funds;
  • Paul will massively increase funding to branches so we can support you better;
  • Paul has a track-record of winning disputes and elections, which other candidates don’t;
  • Paul’s leadership will be inclusive, developing talents from across our whole union including retired members;
  • Paul is popular across UNISON and can win!

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