
Knowledge is Power

Steve Swift, the Branch Education Officer, is busy organising courses for new and experienced UNISON stewards. If you want to get more involved in the trade union, but want more information, think you could do with refreshing your skills or…

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UNISON and You?

The Branch will be organising quarterly meetings targeted at all stewards. The aim is to bring together all activists, regardless of their workplace or background, to debate the big issues that our union, our public services and our communities face.The…

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Good To Meet You

Name: Ruth Carr Job: Library Information Officer How long have you been a member of the union? 31years. What do you like about your role in UNISON? Meeting people from all over the North West with the same values and…

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Frizzell Cricket Competition

UNISON sponsors Frizzell have kindly donated two tickets for a County Championship game at Lancashire CCC of your choice. To enter this members’ only competition, simply write to the Branch before 15 August 2010 and tell us who is Lancashire’s…

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Osborne’s first Budget?

It’s wrong, wrong, wrong! And it’s not just the trade unions who are worried about the Government’s austerity programme. Many economists, including Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel prizewinner who predicted the global crisis, predicts the Chancellor’s first Budget will take the…

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