Branch Circular: Covid-19 Update #1

The Coronavirus / Covid 19 crisis has massively impacted on all our lives.

Over the last two weeks the Branch has worked intensively to represent members who are required to attend work to carry out vital roles in the midst of this crisis, those who for the foreseeable will be working from home and those who on Government advice have had to self isolate if in a high risk group or have a particular health condition which means they are part of a group that needs to be especially ‘shielded’ from potential contact with the virus.

The Branch has also sought to ensure suitable arrangements are put in place for members who need to stay at home to support and protect others in their household whether their role allows home working or not.

We have been in communication with stewards and members in particular employers and service on arrangements for specific groups of members.

It is not possible to report in detail on all of them. However, the purpose of this circular is to give every member an idea of the range of issues the Branch has been involved in supporting members across our employers and services by reporting on some service areas.

At the end of the circular are a range of links to a wide range of information sources at national and regional level and how to best contact the Branch for advice, support and representation.

Evelyn Doyle
Manchester UNISON Branch Secretary


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