Equality Matters – February 2022
The latest issue of our branch equalities newsletter – Equality Matters – is now available to download and view online. Click here to download Equality Matters
The latest issue of our branch equalities newsletter – Equality Matters – is now available to download and view online. Click here to download Equality Matters
The latest issue of our branch equalities newsletter – Equality Matters – is now available to download and view online. Click here to download Equality Matters
The latest issue of our branch equalities newsletter Equality Matters is now available to view online below. Any comments or future articles should be sent to our Branch Equality Officer, Sonia Stewart, by emailing sonia.stewart1@manchester.gov.uk. All published copies of Equality…
The work of public servants throughout the Covid crisis has proved how vital their work is to support society. Workers seen as key such as doctors and nurses are also supported by the work of health care assistants, cleaners, porters,…
Hopefully the levels of Covid-19 deaths and new infections will continue to decline but it is at a much slower rate than most of Europe and the relaxation of measures without apparently reaching the Government’s own threshold risks a second…
Advice for members in primary schools concerned about returning to work 1 June UNISON has consistently opposed the expansion of pupil numbers in primary schools in England on 1 June. We believe that it increases the risks to pupils, staff,…
Many of us will have watched on Sunday night the much built up televised statement by the Prime Minister who was supposed to outline the way forward for the nation in this Covid crisis. What we got took the government…
The Branch continues to represent our members individually and collectively within all employers where we have members and a few examples illustrate the type of interventions the branch makes on behalf of members. The latest reports on our Local Government…
In this circular members can see the national employers latest pay offer for Local Government and the response from national UNISON and the other trade unions rejecting it, calling for a joint approach to National Government, seeking better funding for…
As you will be aware there has been speculation in the press that the government is potentially looking to reopen schools in the next few weeks. The concern is that this will be done prematurely; without the release of scientific…