Why the “new, new” proposals should have been rejected

Two weeks ago the NJC Committee rightly rejected the “new” proposals on three main grounds:

  • They were not a formal offer and under our constitutional procedures we cannot put them out to our members for consultation.
  • For 2014/15 the total amount gained by members on SCP 26 and above would be less than the total amount they would gain under the original offer. (The one percent we took strike action over)
  • They weren’t enough. Just 2.2% over two years. Compared to 2.01% we would have got anyway without any campaign or even putting a claim in.

So what’s changed under these “new, new” proposals?

The “new, new” proposals are still not a formal offer. So it’s unclear on what basis we are even able to consult members under our own procedures! But it’s even more bizarre. The LGA is only offering to consult councils on the deal. They have not formally offered us anything other than the original 1%. Councils could still say they won’t pay it. Yes, it really is that farcical!

For 2014/15 the total amount gained by those on SCPs 26 to 49 will still be less than they would have got under the original offer.

The only “new” thing in the “new, new” proposals are a few additional crumbs to be paid in April 2015. In some cases this will be as little as £3.

The “new, new” proposals will still only raise SCP rates by 2.20% over the full two years. Just like the last proposals. When official forecasts show inflation will rise by around 4.1%.

All the reasons for rejecting the last proposals still apply.

Everyone must reject these proposals now.

Find out what the new proposals really mean
Find out what branches should do next

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